19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA
崇拜方式 Worship Options
堂內與網上崇拜 In-person and Online Worship

We encourage you to meet in person with our church family every week for worship and Sunday School. If for any reason you need to meet online, please choose one of the options below.

OPTION 1: 從網頁 ​Access from your web browser

09:00 AM 粵語崇拜


輸入Meeting ID: 
854 9561 7931


10:00 AM 崇拜
11:30 AM 主日學


輸入Meeting ID: 
896 457 739


Living Hope
​10:30 AM Sunday School
11:45 AM Worship


Enter the Meeting ID: 
​403 207 957

OPTION 2: 手機上 (無影像)Dial-in from your mobile device. (Audio only)
Dial: 1-646-876-9923 

09:00 AM 粵語崇拜


輸入Meeting ID: 
854 9561 7931


10:00 AM 崇拜
11:30 AM 主日學


輸入Meeting ID: 
896 457 739


Living Hope
​10:30 AM Sunday School
11:45 AM Worship


Enter the Meeting ID: 
​403 207 957

YouTube Livestream Worship
Available for the Mandarin service @ 10AM.

如果你需要協助,請打 703-820-1010。
If you need any assistance with log in, please call 703-820-1010, our technical support team will be able to assist you.

Zoom Meeting 同工 Coworkers
Cantonese: Xiaoling Xu
Mandarin: Joey Cho
English: Kevin Hsu

線上崇拜指引 Online Worship Guidance
  1. 如果你没有配偶或者家人与你一起敬拜,可以考虑邀请一位好友与你一起敬拜。
  2. 如果你希望教会在主日崇拜时可以为你代祷,可以将你的代祷事项发给牧师。
  3. 崇拜前请吃早饭; 在崇拜期间,关掉一切可能使你分神的网页或者电子设备。
  4. 在崇拜开始前,花些时间来默想圣经,为全世界要敬拜的上帝子民祷告,也祷告请圣灵能够使用这崇拜、讲道、祷告和赞美诗来建立、塑造我们更像基督。
    1. 以下是一些可以用来预备敬拜的默想经文:出埃及记24章;诗篇22、29、86、95、96、97、99篇;但以理书3章;路加福音4章1-13节;约翰福音4章:1-42节;希伯来书9章1-22节、12章14-29节;启示录4章1-11节、22章1-7节。
  5. 在崇拜期间,请全心投入到敬拜的每个方面,包括敬拜呼召、认罪、赦免确信,唱诗等等。切记,崇拜是上帝在聚集我们与他互动,不是我们简单地听听讲道。
  6. 在讲道期间,请打开圣经,并使用纸版圣经,这样你就不会被手机应用、游戏分散注意力。不仅仅要倾听上帝的道,还需要在生活中有合宜的行为。(雅各书1章22节)
  7. 不要在家里为任何人施行洗礼,也不要举行圣餐礼。这些圣礼只有按立过的牧师才可以施行。牧师正在研究在这一期间如何更好地举行圣餐礼。
  8. 崇拜之后,在主日花些时间与其他人一起讨论一下讲道的内容。如果你是自己一个人敬拜,那么我们鼓励你打电话给教会的弟兄姊妹来讨论下当天的信息,以及如何将之实践在世界、教会和你的生活中。如果你找不到打电话的人,那么我们鼓励你把讲道的心得写下来。
  1. If you do not have a spouse or a family, consider inviting a friend to join you. 
  2. Send prayer requests to your Pastor if you would like them to be prayed for during the service.
  3. Eat beforehand, turn off any disturbing webpages or devices. 
  4. Take some time before signing-in to meditate on Scripture, pray for all of God’s worldwide people who will be worshipping, and pray for the Holy Spirit to use the worship service, sermon, prayers, and songs to build and shape all of us to be more Christ-like. Here are some passages to meditate on in preparation for worship: Exodus 24; Psalm 22, 29, 86, 95, 96, 97, 99; Daniel 3; Luke 4:1-13; John 4:1-42; Hebrews 9:1-22, 12:14-29; Revelation 4:1-11, 22:1-7. 
  5. During the worship, participate from your heart in ALL of the aspects of the service. This would include the call to worship, confession of sin and assurance of pardon, singing, etc. Remember, worship is God’s gathering of us to interact with Him. It is not simply to listen to a sermon.
  6. During the sermon have your Bibles open. Use physical copies of the Bible so that you are not distracted by apps, games, etc. Be prepared to not only believe the Word but to take appropriate action in your life (James 1:22).
  7. Do not baptize anyone at your home, nor administer Communion. These are only to be done by ordained Pastors. Your Pastors are considering ways to administer communion during this time.
  8. After worship, at some point on Sunday, take some time to discuss the sermon with others. If you worshipped by yourself, then you are encouraged to call someone from the church to discuss the message and how it applies to the world, the church and your life. If you cannot find anyone by phone then you are encouraged to journal about the implications of the sermon.